Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012

Assignment 2 - Shutter Speed

To capture movement, or freeze the moment shutter speed is the tool of choice. By varying the time the shutter opens to let light on the lens the capture of movement will be controlled. Depending on the mood of the scene the photographer wants to reflect or a statement of a picture is supposed to be stressed shutter speed is an important part of the adjustment of the camera. To illustrate the idea of shutter speed I have attached some photographs of the same object with different usage of shutter speed.

Long shutter speed creates 'soft' image of the waterfall in this fountain. Shutter speed 1/4 sec

Short shutter speed 'freezes' the motion as the image of the same fountain doesn't show the movement of water but displays perfectly single drops and splashes of water.
Shutter speed 
1/500 sec

On a sunny Saturday on Exchange Square. A rather dull photograph. 
Shutter speed 1/500 sec

Same day, same place, by extending shutter speed the motion of people passing by is captures, giving the picture dynamics. Shutter speed 1/2

An 'upside down photograph'. The street scene is captured in a puddle (a rather common object in Manchester) and a pedestrian walking by. Shutter speed 1/500 sec

Same puddle, different pedestrian, different shutter speed = different dynamics of the photograph. Shutter speed 1/3 sec

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